User Interface Designer

UI Design Photoshop Drupal Drush Git Adobe Photoshop Adobe Dreamweaver HTML CSS Javascript Project Mangement

Through the project I was able to fully assist Cellular Sales which is a Verizon retailer to re-develop their Drupal e-Commerce store customer presence not just with development updates but UI recommendations.

This consisted of a 10 month deployment cycle that started with creating a staging site, moved into designs, then resulted in deploying a full scale Drupal platform web presence.

Project Details

User Focus

Design a responsive forward customer experience

Find your local store

Think about the user's location first

Show all local stores

Then give options for other stores if necessary

Generate the store map

Finally, offer a clear set of directions


Develop a solid layout

That moved from post intital design concepts to establishing the staging site which includes both incorporating the Drupal environment regions and digging deeper into the theme layout.

Layout Version A

Create a sidebar option

Layout Version B

What does a full width body section look like?

High Fidelity Designs

Expand on the initital concepts

Then I moved into improving the base level designs that will create an effective layout structure getting customers more engaged.

Create an Experience

Design a general theme

Improve the experience

Build on previous user interaction testing

Product Showcase

Get information to your customer properly


Develop the Drupal Environment

Finally, I wrapped up the final design feedback to address any last minute changes before deployment.


Create a staging environment for proper testing